
Posts Tagged ‘San Antonio Spurs’

We did a few errands, mailed some bills at the Post Office and considered going to Starbucks.  The day was cold, raw and rainy and we’re both just so over winter! Hell, it’s actually spring according to the calendar but the temperature is hovering 9 degrees above freezing. “Do you want to go and check out Antique-A-Rama”? my husband asked. “Antique-A-Rama? Is that where the rug place used to be, Rug-A- Rama? I think it’s just used furniture and junk and besides we have so much stuff”, I replied. “Let’s just go mill around, you never know”, he said enthusiastically.



This week’s Velvet Verbosity challenge is to write a 100-word story based on the word “Mill.” Visit the site to meet the creator and host of the challenge and learn the rules.

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