
Posts Tagged ‘Allen Dulles’

General Charles P. Cabell from http://www.af.m...

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Conspiracy Theory Wednesday

General Charles Cabell, whose brother Earl was the mayor of Dallas in 1963, was a former Air Force Intelligence Chief and CIA Deputy Director under Allen Dulles from 1953 to 1961.  After meeting all night before the 1961 invasion of Cuba with E. Howard Hunt, David Phillips, and others, Cabell phoned President Kennedy at 4:00am to ask for U.S. air support for the Bay of Pigs landing.  Kennedy’s refusal meant sending their proxy army to certain defeat.  Soon after the failed invasion, Kennedy fired Dulles and Cabell, and threatened to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”.  “Cabell never forgave the President, and criticized him publicly and often.  On one such occasion in 1962, he was introduced to the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans by Clay Shaw.

A heavy military intelligence presence pervaded Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.  That morning, FBI agent James Hosty met with an unnamed Army Intelligence officer.  Secret Service agent Winston Lawson, who approved the motorcade route, was a member of Army Intelligence Reserve (AIR).  Deputy Police Chief and AIR officer George Lumpkin rode on the  motorcade’s pilot car.  James W. Powell, another AIR officer, was stationed in front of the Texas School Book Depository, and was present when the rifle was found on the sixth floor.  The local head of Army Intelligence was oil man Jack Chrichton, who recommended the first Russian interpreter used by the Secret Service in questioning Marina Oswald.  The true nature of Lee Oswald’s connection to miliary intelligence remains obscure because Defense Intelligence Agency files on him were never shown to the Warren Commission and were later “routinely ” destroyed.

Week 21 and if you have been following this conspiracy you can see how all the “players”  are coming together!  And the names are getting more and more familiar as the conspiracy theory is leading us to higher and higher placed individuals. Just remember – every conspiracy is not a theory!

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It just gets better each week! This conspiracy theory is unfolding like the layers of an onion.  Week 8 – if you haven’t read the previous chapters, you can look them up under Conspiracy Theory Wednesday in my categories.

President John F. Kennedy's assassination, JFK murdered, Warren Commission, Magic Bullet theory, Allen Dulles



On November 29, 1963, Chief Justice Earl Warren tearfully accepted chairmanship of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.  At the Commission’s first meeting, ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles set the tone for their investigation handing out copies of a book claiming presidential assassinations are always loners.  Ha leads, the Commission took depositions from 552 witnesses, consistently highlighting testimony that supported the lone assassin theory.  While important evidence such as Kennedy’s autopsy X-rays, were not included in the report, dental X-rays of Jack Ruby’s mother’s teeth were.  In September 1964, the Commission concluded that both Oswald and Ruby were lone assassins.

This fixation with squelching rumors of conspiracy resulted in the Commission’s endearing Magic Bullet Theory.  Knowing that Oswald could not have fired four times in the  allotted time span, and having to account for Kennedy’s head wound as well as a bystander’s injuries, the Commission contradicted its own ballistic experts by concluding that Exhibit 399, a bullet found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital in near pristine condition, had entered Kennedy’s upper back, exited his neck, and gone on to break Governor John Connally’s rib, shatter his wrist bone and lodge in his thigh.

Ironically, the Warren Commission’s insistence on lone assassins led to periodic re-examinations of evidence withheld from and suppressed by the Commission, and gave rise to a legion of “conspiracy theories” involving various shadowy figures presumed to have masterminded Kennedy’s murder.

NY Times Kennedy assassination, President Kennedy shot, JFK murdered, Allen Dulles, Chief Justice Earl Warren

The Warren Commission Report

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