
Posts Tagged ‘E. Howard Hunt’

Lee Harvey Oswald 's signature

Image via Wikipedia

There are about 10 installments left to complete this conspiracy theory.  I rarely get comments on these posts so I don’t know if they’re read, understood or interesting to anyone other than myself.   I would like to hear from you on this widely accepted theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the sole assassin in the murder of John F. Kennedy.   I’ve said this before and will say again, you may feel this old crime done before many of you were born doesn’t hold any real  meaning for you BUT it does!  Remember the title of the conspiracy theory is COUP D’ETAT and you know what that means…. Who was behind this heinous crime and why? Stay with it because we are getting closer and closer to finding exactly WHO would benefit from eliminating this young vibrant liberal-thinking president.  The names of the characters emerging at this point are ones that we all know, have been around a long time and are also the subject of a recently released movie/documentary titled DARK LEGACY .  There are excerpts of this movie on YouTube and I have linked you to one here:


E. Howard Hunt & Frank Sturgis

In the shadowy world of espionage, few name are more familiar than Watergate burglar and CiA agent E. Howard Hunt known as Eduardo to his Cuban exile friends.  Hunt was the political planner for the Bay of Pigs invasion and organizer of the Cuban Revolutionary Council, a government-in-exile whose New Orleans operations were run out of Guy Banister‘s office.

In the first hours after the assassination, Dallas police questioned and released many suspects without recording their identities.  Among those were three “tramps” arrested in a railroad car near the grassy knoll and photographed en route to the police station.  One of them bears a striking resemblance to Hunt, whose whereabouts on Nov. 22, are officially unknown.  It has been alleged that Hunt was stationed in Mexico City during Oswald’s Sept 1963 visit there.  In 1975, a letter thought to be in Oswald’s hand surfaced in Mexico.  Dated Nov. 8, 1963, it reads, ” Dear Mr. Hunt, I would like information conceding (sic) my position.  I am asking only for information.  I am asking that we discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else.  Thank you, Lee Harvey Oswald”.

Another of the “tramps” resembles Hunt’s fellow Watergate burglar and CIA agent Frank Sturgis.  Born Frank Fionni, Sturgis had infiltrated Castro’s revolution, and was named Minister of Games of Chance when Castro came to power in 1959.   Within a year, Castro closed the casinos and the mob put up a $1 million contract on him.  After unsuccessfully attempting to poison Castro, Sturgis fled to Miami and joined Hunt and the Cuban exiles.  In 1963, he was one of the six pilots reprimanded by Kennedy for continuing  to stage terrorist rids against Cuba.



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General Charles P. Cabell from http://www.af.m...

Image via Wikipedia

Conspiracy Theory Wednesday

General Charles Cabell, whose brother Earl was the mayor of Dallas in 1963, was a former Air Force Intelligence Chief and CIA Deputy Director under Allen Dulles from 1953 to 1961.  After meeting all night before the 1961 invasion of Cuba with E. Howard Hunt, David Phillips, and others, Cabell phoned President Kennedy at 4:00am to ask for U.S. air support for the Bay of Pigs landing.  Kennedy’s refusal meant sending their proxy army to certain defeat.  Soon after the failed invasion, Kennedy fired Dulles and Cabell, and threatened to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”.  “Cabell never forgave the President, and criticized him publicly and often.  On one such occasion in 1962, he was introduced to the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans by Clay Shaw.

A heavy military intelligence presence pervaded Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.  That morning, FBI agent James Hosty met with an unnamed Army Intelligence officer.  Secret Service agent Winston Lawson, who approved the motorcade route, was a member of Army Intelligence Reserve (AIR).  Deputy Police Chief and AIR officer George Lumpkin rode on the  motorcade’s pilot car.  James W. Powell, another AIR officer, was stationed in front of the Texas School Book Depository, and was present when the rifle was found on the sixth floor.  The local head of Army Intelligence was oil man Jack Chrichton, who recommended the first Russian interpreter used by the Secret Service in questioning Marina Oswald.  The true nature of Lee Oswald’s connection to miliary intelligence remains obscure because Defense Intelligence Agency files on him were never shown to the Warren Commission and were later “routinely ” destroyed.

Week 21 and if you have been following this conspiracy you can see how all the “players”  are coming together!  And the names are getting more and more familiar as the conspiracy theory is leading us to higher and higher placed individuals. Just remember – every conspiracy is not a theory!

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