
Posts Tagged ‘popcorn machine’

I’m in Boston and yesterday Finley was invited to attend an annual Halloween party that Chris, one of Chiara’s neighbors holds at his marketing firm.  Knowing Chris, I was sure that it wouldn’t be a table covered with an orange paper tablecloth and bowls of candy corn and orange and black jelly beans – BUT I wasn’t prepared for this….

Chris Nolan, Halloween party

Halloween Comes Early at Mercury Marketing

Spiderman (professional) met us at the building’s front door and ushered us to the elevator.  When we arrived and the elevator doors opened we walked into a Halloween event, not a party, a happening!

The offices were dim, a weird bubble machine spewed forth white bubbles that when they burst, they seemed powdery.  A screening area was set up with little auditorium chairs and films for the kids ran continuously.  Adjacent to that area was a table set at child height and laden with good goodies for the kids;  there was a popcorn machine, a creature at the doorway with a bucket of candy for your  picking, a bar for the adults with beer, wine and prosecco.  Platters and bowls were all over the room filled with munchies.

Then Cinderella arrived -oooh all of the little princesses were thrilled.  She played music and sang and danced with them.  She painted their faces too.  The party started at 4pm and less we all O D on sugar and alcohol, Chris had an area set up with pizzas and salad and of course cupcakes and even coffee with liquors, omg!

I can’t describe the decorations enough to do them justice and I don’t have any great photos because as usual my camera kept telling me to change the battery (which I did but to no avail).  There were skeletons, cobwebs, pumpkins galore, a few creatures here and there, streamers and crepe paper and all sorts of table decorations, not to mention the plates and flatware. There was even a sort of haunted house room for the little kids with more goodies for them.  There were bags you could fill yourself from the huge bowls of candy on one table and a Mr. Potato Head for each child to take home and by the way it was a Halloween Potato Head! Yes Mr. Potato Head as a ghost.  And more – there were these small stuffed creatures, mini-huggables; Dracula, Frankenstein and the like.

greenwich village halloween parade


Now why didn’t I think a marketing executive would take this party right over the top??? It was generous, wonderful and fabulous.

Mercury Marketing, Chris Nolan

Our Halloween Host

Chiara Clark, Brandon, Mano, Frankie, Francesca

Francesca's First Halloween with Mommy and Mano

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