
Posts Tagged ‘squirrels’

My friend Murray Head loves squirrel watching as much my husband and I do.  Better yet, he photographs these cute critters in the wilds of Central Park and in our backyard at the Shore.  We feed the squirrels lots of peanuts and have ears of dried corn on a wheel.  These backyard acrobats love to hang onto the spokes of the wheel and nibble the corn.  Both Murray and my friend Wendy spent Thanksgiving with us and it was all about the squirrels because Wendy makes daily trips to Central Park where she feeds her squirrels.  As soon as she starts up the path to her bench, the squirrels come running out to grab the almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts she brings them.  Here we are at Costco loading up on food for our furry and feathered friends.

All photos courtesy of Murray Head


Birdseed and Peanuts

Just Sitting Around Chewing A Peanut

Just Sitting Around Chewing A Peanut

Anybody Here?

Anybody Here?

Can You Find The 5 Birds Patiently Waiting?

Can You Find The 5 Birds Patiently Waiting?

"Oh Wow, A Veritable Candy Store"

“Oh Wow, A Veritable Candy Store”

Squirrel On The Corn Wheel

Squirrel On The Corn Wheel

This Poor Little Guy Lost Some of His Tail!

This Poor Little Guy Lost Some of His Tail!

Yes, I Do Have A Big White Belly

Yes, I Do Have A Big White Belly

Pink Is My Favorite Color

Pink Is My Favorite Color

"Geez, Hazelnuts!  Must Be A Holiday Or Something"

“Geez, Hazelnuts! Must Be A Holiday Or Something”

"I'm Just Looking"

“I’m Just Looking”

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go

Feeding The Hungry On Thanksgiving

Feeding The Hungry On Thanksgiving

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Just like the TV station, USA, New York City could have the same slogan, “Characters Welcome”.  If ever there was one place in the world where anything and anyone and everyone and everything goes – this is it.  Everybody does their own thing here, whether they be human, animal or even plant.  The fact that all of this diversity and individuality and sometimes quirkiness is contained in the 22.7 square miles that Manhattan is made of, only serves to intensify the total impact.  Here are a just a few of the characters spotted in The City yesterday!

Siesta in the Park

Siesta in the Park

New Construction Underway

New Construction Underway

Fashion Forward

Fashion Forward

"What's that you say"?

“What’s that you say”?

One Must Always Dress For Croquet

One Must Always Dress For Croquet

A Regiment Of Turtles

A Regiment Of Turtles

Decked Out In Spring Colors

Decked Out In Spring Colors

"Up To My Knees In ...."

“Up To My Knees In ….”

"Goin' My Way"?

“Goin’ My Way”?



All photos courtesy of Murray Head


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