
Posts Tagged ‘Cinderella’

Late again! There are reasons… really!!! Some issues at work are distracting me and keeping me pre-occupied and my husband is ill with a horrific attack of the much-dreaded shingles. God, what a nasty condition that is and he is so much pain.  And another family member underwent serious surgery this past week, and my daughter and family moved into their New York apartment which meant I got to babysit Finley Ray for two-day and two nights which are better known as Movie Night for Finley.  I saw Toy Story and I think this is the 8th showing of Cinderella.  I just love those mice!

Nick and Nora

JUST in case you didn’t already know, I have two cats whose names are Nick and Nora. They are brother and sister and are rescue cats.  We spent a lot of time coming up with a set of names, not too cutsie, not too highbrow (I mean they’re not Persians or Siamese) and eventually Peter and I knew exactly what they should be named.  They are named after Nick and Nora Charles , the martini-drinking couple from the movie series The Thin Man.

Nora, my computer writing a blog

NORA - Just a little something on my paw

Christmas '10, Nicky

Nicky - You handsome devil!

photo by Murray Head


Nora hiding in the flower basket.

cat bed, Ocean Grove, Nick and Nora

Nick and Nora cuddle up to stay warm

Christmas '10, Nicky,Susan Taylor

Nicky learns all about knitting

Photo by Murray Head


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I’m in Boston and yesterday Finley was invited to attend an annual Halloween party that Chris, one of Chiara’s neighbors holds at his marketing firm.  Knowing Chris, I was sure that it wouldn’t be a table covered with an orange paper tablecloth and bowls of candy corn and orange and black jelly beans – BUT I wasn’t prepared for this….

Chris Nolan, Halloween party

Halloween Comes Early at Mercury Marketing

Spiderman (professional) met us at the building’s front door and ushered us to the elevator.  When we arrived and the elevator doors opened we walked into a Halloween event, not a party, a happening!

The offices were dim, a weird bubble machine spewed forth white bubbles that when they burst, they seemed powdery.  A screening area was set up with little auditorium chairs and films for the kids ran continuously.  Adjacent to that area was a table set at child height and laden with good goodies for the kids;  there was a popcorn machine, a creature at the doorway with a bucket of candy for your  picking, a bar for the adults with beer, wine and prosecco.  Platters and bowls were all over the room filled with munchies.

Then Cinderella arrived -oooh all of the little princesses were thrilled.  She played music and sang and danced with them.  She painted their faces too.  The party started at 4pm and less we all O D on sugar and alcohol, Chris had an area set up with pizzas and salad and of course cupcakes and even coffee with liquors, omg!

I can’t describe the decorations enough to do them justice and I don’t have any great photos because as usual my camera kept telling me to change the battery (which I did but to no avail).  There were skeletons, cobwebs, pumpkins galore, a few creatures here and there, streamers and crepe paper and all sorts of table decorations, not to mention the plates and flatware. There was even a sort of haunted house room for the little kids with more goodies for them.  There were bags you could fill yourself from the huge bowls of candy on one table and a Mr. Potato Head for each child to take home and by the way it was a Halloween Potato Head! Yes Mr. Potato Head as a ghost.  And more – there were these small stuffed creatures, mini-huggables; Dracula, Frankenstein and the like.

greenwich village halloween parade


Now why didn’t I think a marketing executive would take this party right over the top??? It was generous, wonderful and fabulous.

Mercury Marketing, Chris Nolan

Our Halloween Host

Chiara Clark, Brandon, Mano, Frankie, Francesca

Francesca's First Halloween with Mommy and Mano

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New York is the ultimate melting pot of America.  This richly diverse population not only affords a myriad of ethnic cultural events (parades, festivals), a fabulous assortment of ethnic restaurants and best of all the chance to see the world through a child’s eye by seeing the child.   These are the faces of the future as our big world gets smaller every day.

Chinese children, New York city, Asian


photo by Murray Head

Colleen, Irish girl

So Pretty

photo by Murray Head

binky, pookie, pacifier, blankie

A binky and a blankie

photo by Murray Head

sad face, Central Park

I'm not happy about this!

photo by Murray Head

Chinese dragon boat race, blue baseball caps, twins, tiger

Two Boys and a Tiger

photo by Murray Head

And one more – I couldn’t resist….

Finny, Finley Ray Clark, Cinderella,

Mesmerized by Cinderella

photo by GiGi

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AND I thought the stroller was a nightmare!  And by the way, it still is and more about that later…  To my DELIGHT, Finley Ray was dropped off with me on Monday afternoon to spend the night!  Chiara had an afternoon appointment with a nursery school counselor – YES! She is paying someone to advise her as to what Pre-K schools Finny should apply to next year!!! And to edit  the essays necessary to accompany the applications and to prep her prior to the interviews! Oh Lordy, welcome to the Manhattan Olympics of nursery school registration, where only the fittest, richest and cleverest survive – and I’m talking about the parents, not the kids.   With handbook literally in hand, notebook filled with locations,  tuition costs and possible number of applicants accepted, my daughter is armed, ready and determined to do battle with the system.  Like any combat-ready soldier, she has studied the terrain, interrogated former warriors, negotiated and lined up support and allies for each front (nursery school).

There’s no one as fierce as an  elephant when it comes to defending, nurturing and fighting to protect her young.  In the animal world that is!!  Meet the Manhattan Mommy who is trying to get her angel into the best nursery school.  There are hundreds of private nursery schools in Manhattan and yet as in any competitive event, there are ranked players, in this case, the very best of the best schools – ones where amongst a list of qualifications, costs and curriculum, there’s  a list of all the renowned and sought-after private elementary schools their alumni have gone on to be accepted.   A case of the cream rising to the top.

To participate in extreme sports, one must begin training early on and so NOW, when Finley is a year away from eligibility and NOW when Chiara still lives in Boston and NOW when she doesn’t even know what neighborhood she will be living in…she has girded herself for battle, jumped into the foray early on and is pursuing a tactically proven course, hopefully to success!!!

Finley Ray Clark, Cinderella, Finny

Mesmerized by Cinderella

And then there’s the portable crib!  Chiara arrived with what seemed to me to be the third incarnation of a portable crib.  The last one was a pack ‘n play;- although it took up more room in our already-crowded den, at least it didn’t require the Army Corps of Engineers to put it together!  I actually did it myself.   Well not so with this compact, lightweight everything is in the bag crib. To be fair, Chiara did offer to put it together, BUT I said no, because really how hard could it be? Very!!

Monday afternoon had several challenges, not the least of which was that I was hosting Mah Jongg that night.  Soooo I prepared some hors d’oeuvres, set up the table and tried to do some work on the computer too.   I have to admit that at about 5pm  I still had more to do and to make Fin some dinner, – so I resorted to a favorite Grandparent ploy; Cinderella!  The movie afforded me enough time to get ready for the Mavens but not enough to put together the crib and give Finley a bath.  Okay so we’ll fore-go the bath but I gotta get the crib up.  I could not believe the number of pieces that came out of that bag; so many metal rods!!! I was sweating and fumbling and then the door bell rang!  Shit, the ladies were arriving.

Finley is supposed to go to bed some time between 7:30 and 8:00pm and I thought we were going to be 5 players that night and I would be able to read Finny a book and put her to bed when I was the bettor.  That did NOT happen; there were only four of us, and as I said the ladies had already arrived and here I was still struggling with the crib. Thank God, Paulette came to my rescue.  She could see how frustrated I was – trying to set up the Mah Jongg Mavens with wine and the game and get the crib together.  Finally Paulette figured it out and we pushed and pulled and forced the bars in place.   By this time, it was already 7:30 and we hadn’t played the first hand yet.  I took Finley into the dining room with me where she flashed a beautiful smile to everyone and sat on my lap watching the game.   About the time I thought she should go to bed, the game was under way and we had so many  delays with my trying to change her and get her in the mood for bed, that I should have known this wasn’t going to be easy.  BUT much to my surprise she did lay down in her crib and she had her Baa, but didn’t  want to get into the sleep sack.  Well ok, I’ll turn the air conditioning off in that room.  Ten minutes later, I’m back at the Mah Jongg table and we’re  actually going to play the second-hand.  I am sooooo happy she went down without a fuss and no book either.

Spoke too soon… the monitor was blaring the sounds of a woeful soul in the other room.  I thought about letting her cry a little but the ladies would have none of it!  “Let her sit with us”  and “don’t let her cry”.  So out she came with real tears rolling down her cheeks and that settled it – she would sit on my lap for a while more.   Soon we were teaching her craks, bams and dots.  She recognized the Green Dragon in no time and as I sat with a pair of flowers in my rack, Finley noticed that there was a little house on one of them and announced to all that I had a “castle”.  That little precious!!!  She finally went to bed at 9:00 but only after  I read Curious George.  I did convince her to get into the sack which although she doesn’t love it, it is part of her nightly ritual and as we all know rituals work.  Some more hugs and kisses and squeezes and I laid her down to sleep.  We won’t tell Mommy she didn’t have a bath and she didn’t brush her teeth.  But she did go to sleep and I did get to play Mah Jongg.  Unfortunately winning is another thing.

Mah Jong tiles, Mah Jongg tiles, green dragon, red dragon, soap, white dragon

The Mah Jongg Dragons

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Seven Dwarfs, Snow White, Finny, Finley Ray Clark, Dopey

Hugging Dopey

We started our morning together watching Pinnochio in bed and after breakfast Finny watched Snow White while she clung to Dopey.

Snow White, book, Finny, Finley Ray
Papa Pete and Finny Read Snow White

Papa Pete and Finny spend some time reading before it’s nap time.  After a nap and lunch we were off to Central Park and the playground.   By the time we got home, Gigi was pretty tired so Fin had a quick bath which for some reason she does not like at our house.  I made her dinner, gave her some milk and she kept asking for a “movie” – oh  how quickly they learn who is the soft touch – why it’s Papa Pete of course.  So this is Finley Ray totally enthralled with Cinderella. BUT I did not let her watch the whole movie – we’ll finish it in the morning.

Cinderelli, Cinderella.Walt Disney classic, Finny

A bedtime story and it’s good night  to you sweet Finny!

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Cinderella, Finley Ray Clark, Finny

Have You Seen My Glass Slipper?

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