
Posts Tagged ‘Warren Commission’

Mugshot taken of Jack Ruby, taken following hi...

Image via Wikipedia

November 22, 1963 – John F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Do you believe one lone killer did this?  Really??  This is the 26th installment of the conspiracy theory, COUP D’ETAT.  The trail is leading us to a conspiracy formulated at the highest government levels.  You can read the entire conspiracy theory up to this point by clicking on the category, Conspiracy Theory Wednesday on my home page.

The Policeman’s Pimp – Jack Ruby

From his days as ” Sparky Rubenstein, errand boy for Al Capone, to his ownership of a string of Dallas nightclubs where policemen got preferential  treatment, Ruby was “one of our boys” according to mobster Johnny Roselli, with whom Ruby met twice during the month prior to the assassination.  Other gangster friends of Ruby’s included Joe Civello, Dallas Mafia chief: Barney Baker, teamster president Jimmy Hoffa‘s 370-lb bodyguard; and Dave Yaras, hitman  for Chicago mob boss Sam Giancanna.   Known as the guy who could “fix it” with e the police, Ruby counted ast least 100 Dallas cops among his pals.

Ruby’s self-professed idol was Lewis J. McWillie, a professional gambler who worked at te mob-owned  Tropicana Hotel in Havana.  In 1959, Ruby visited McWillie and the two met with crime boss Santos Trafficante Jr. then in a Cuban prison.  Shortly after Ruby’s return to Dallas, Trafficante was released.  The House Select Committee on Assassination suspected Ruby, acting as a gangland courier, had bought Trafficante’s freedom.  During the six-month period that included his Havana trip, the FBI interviewed Ruby eight times as a “potential criminal informant”.   For Ruby, this was not a first: in 1947 while still in Chicago, he “performed information functions” for the staff of then-Congressman Richard Nixon.

On June 7, 1964, Ruby told the Warren Commission his “life was in danger” – “Gentlemen,” he said, “if you want to hear further testimony, you will have to get me to Washington soon because…I want to tell the truth and I can’t tell it here”.  Before he died, he smuggled two letters out of prison which hint darkly that Lyndon Johnson was behind the conspiracy.

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We are in the 18th week of exploring the conspiracy theory of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.  There are literally millions of Americans that DO NOT BELIEVE Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in this deadly mission.

Lone assassins are on a mission and are proud of their accomplishment – they do not deny their actions.  Lee Harvey Oswald claimed he was innocent.


The FBI‘s interest in Oswald had begun in June 1960, while he was in the Soviet Union, when a memo from the FBI to the  State Department warned of the “possibility that an impostor is using Oswald’s birth certificate”.  His mother told the FBI that he had taken it with him, but he returned without it, and the document has never surfaced.  When questioned by Ft. Worth FBI agent Fain, Oswald offered to report any contacts with suspicious Soviets.  The FBI’s links to Oswald continued in New Orleans, where at his own request, he was interviewed by Agent  Quigley while under arrest for the street scuffle with Cuban exile Carlos Bringuier.  He was released shortly after paying a ten-dollar fine.  Guy Banister, with whom Oswald worked, was an ex-FBI agent said by some to have been secretly working for the FBI’s counter intelligence Division 5.

An hour after Oswald’s arrest, James Hosty, the Dallas FBI agent who monitored local Cuban-exile activities, burst into Police Headquarters with the news that Oswald was a “communist…capable of committing the assassination…”.  Though Hosty knew where Oswald worked, he had not warned the Secret Service or Dallas Police of the presence of this “dangerous” man along the motorcade route.  Strangely, Hosty’s name and phone number were found in Oswald’s address book; Texas justice officials alleged to the Warren Commission that the FBI   $200 a month for over a year as “Confidential Informant 179”.  In 1975 Hosty said Oswald had brought a note to his office weeks before the assassination asking him to leave Marina alone, but on the order of his superior, Gordon Shanklin , he had  destroyed it immediately after Oswald’s  death.

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