
Posts Tagged ‘Cake’

English: "Holyland" brand matzah, ma...

“Holyland” brand matzah, machine-made in Jerusalem and purchased at Trader Joes in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tonight which as you know is unlike any other night or if you don’t, you can check out a previous blog of mine https://pbenjay.wordpress.com/2010/03/30/why-is-this-night-different-from-all-other-nights/.  Anyway tonight we are going to my sister-in-law’s home for a Seder dinner.  It will of course be a feast, and being the balabusta  she is, she is cooking a very traditional meal as well as adding vegetarian dishes for the one or two non-meat eaters in the group.  And by group I mean she is seating and serving 11 people tonight!

I asked what I could bring and was assigned an asparagus dish.  I’m going to make a room temperature asparagus platter with an egg sauce on top.  If I haven’t already posted this recipe previously, I will tomorrow.  It was a traditional Easter Sunday dinner side in my family for years.

And then if I can organize myself, I plan to make some Matzo Crack!  This is a surprise addition to the meal.  Naturally Stacey, our hostess, who is size 2 is planning on serving strawberries and cream for dessert, something light and moderately healthy.  I, on the other hand, am hoping for the taste of chocolate and in keeping with the holiday tradition of no leavened bread, I’m going to make chocolate toffee matzoh! 

So simple to do (they say) and since I’m posting this prior to actually making it, I can’t attest to that but I do believe this is not going to be difficult at all.

4-5 pieces of matzo

1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar

1 cup ( 2 sticks) unsalted butter

1 cup bittersweet chocolate or semi-sweet chocolate bits

Toppings as desired

Preheat oven to 375º

Line baking sheet with aluminum foil and/or parchment paper.  Place matzo in one layer on baking sheet, breaking it when necessary to fill pan complexly.

In large sauce pan, melt the butter and brown sugar together over medium heat, stirring constantly.  Once mixture reaches a boil, continue to cook for additional 3 minutes, still stirring, until thickened and just starting to pull away from the sides of the pan.  Remove from heat and pour over matzo, spreading evenly with a heat proof spatula.

Put the pan in the oven, then immediately turn the heat down to 350 degrees.  Bake for 15 minutes, watching to make sure it doesn’t burn.  If it looks like it is starting to burn, turn heat down to 325 degrees.

After 15 minutes, the toffee should have  bubbled up and turned a rich golden brown.  Remove from the oven and immediately sprinkle the chocolate over the pan.  Let sit for 5 minutes and then spread the now-melted chocolate evenly with a spatula.

You can leave as it is or add a topping such as sea salt or toasted nuts.  Let cool completely, then break into smaller pieces and store in airtight container.

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 Yesterday I posted my own first round picks and then picked my winners for Round 2 and  today we  are headed to Round 3. I found out that I could put a POLL on my blog which makes it oh so easy for you to vote (filling in the brackets) and you don’t need to send in a comment or make a copy of the bracket to work on. JUST answer the question as to what cake or pie will make it to Round 3.  I’ve put in my winners  and now it’s up to you to pick from those choices to see who will go to the Regional Semi-Finals.  Please VOTE.

Round 2 and heading for the Regional Semi-Finals

Round 2 and heading for the Regional Semi-Finals

 Here’s how: For example the first two choices are EITHER Birthday Cake or Coffee Cake, the last two are Strawberry Rhubarb Pie or Cherry Pie – PICK ONEthe choices are grouped in two’s and you can see the pairs on the bracket; Remember yesterday I picked these winners out of Round 1 and posted them in the blog because I can’t actually write on the photo of the bracket. 

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I NEED your input for the Cake vs Pie Bracketology! MY MISTAKE yesterday was not in completing the first round of picks.  Mine are below BUT without yours I’m only betting against and with myself.  Ahhh maybe there should be a prize for whomever picks the final winner? What do you think? Would that inspire you to send me your picks in comments?  I will report the winners as each round advances.

Tasty Treats Oh So Sweet Bracketology

Tasty Treats Oh So Sweet Bracketology

Pbenjay’s Cake Conference Picks: Birthday Cake vs Fruitcake, Angel Food vs Pound,  Coffee vs Bundt,  and German Chocolate vx Funfetti, Wedding vs Pineapple Upside Down, Red Velvet vs Coconut, Carrot vs Black ForestIce Cream vs Spice.

Pbenjay’s Pie Conference Picks:  Apple vs Grasshopper, Pecan vs Banana Cream, Peanut Butter vs Boston Cream (a tough call), Pumpkin vs Lemon Meringue, Blueberry vs Rhubarb, Key Lime vs Sweet Potato, Cherry vs French Silk, Cheesecake vs Brown Sugar.

Send me your picks so I can tally them up and report the winners of the Round 1

English: Photograph of a slice of a 4-layer re...

English: Photograph of a slice of a 4-layer red velvet cake with cream cheese icing on a styrofoam plate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Pineapple Upside Down Cake (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

black & white angel food cake

black & white angel food cake (Photo credit: shutterbean)


Mum's lemon meringue pie from above.

Mum’s lemon meringue pie from above. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pie, Pie, Me oh My, I love Pie!

Pie, Pie, Me oh My, I love Pie! (Photo credit: AlyssssylA)

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OH my, somehow I’ve been bitten by the March Madness bug.  I am writing this post and listening/watching the Syracuse/Michigan game.  I can relax during this one because it was assumed that Syracuse would win and right now they are leading by 22 points! “Oh how sweet it is”.  

I was going to make Thursday’s Top Ten about the crazy stunt taking place in Brooklyn this week where Franny’s is creating March Madness Pies.  Starting at Sweet Sixteen, they will be offering 16 different pizza pie toppings with cute names.  I thought the names were going to somehow correspond to the teams but they don’t so I’ve opted out of using Franny’s for my post;  Besides, I only like the purest of Neapolitan pizza – rich tomato sauce, some basil and oregano and some blobs of mozzarella with grated Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top!

I found this CAKE vs PIE tournament bracket and thought it was too cool!  HEY GUYS, THIS WOULD REALLY BE FUN IF YOU WOULD COMMENT WITH YOUR CHOICES and advance the bracket till we get to the WINNER.  If you don’t help me and I do it all by myself, I can tell you right now that Ice Cream Cake would probably win.  So let’s do it!!

Tasty Treats Oh So Sweet Bracketology

Tasty Treats Oh So Sweet Bracketology

I’m not sure exactly who I should be crediting for this bracket which appeared in 2010.  I think JEZEBEL.com, Jessica Coen and Gawker Media are all responsible for this so THANK YOU!

I’m starting it off since today is ROUND 1 in the NCAA Tournament.  I pick Birthday Cake and Apple Pie.  What are your picks?  You might want to copy this and play with a group of your friends.  I hope you’ll play along with me…By Saturday we move to Round 2. 


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Well if you didn’t know there had been a birth in this house, you might think someone died!  Every day a florist’s van pulls up and delivers flowers.  Everyday a friend comes and brings either food for dinner or a cake!  Today has been a banner day for both.  Bonita, one of Chiara’s friends dropped by with a cake to die for!  And then that would make this a  house to die in.  Anyway, the cake is moist, not too sweet, laden with chocolate chips and banana.  I had a piece after lunch and oh my!  I insisted she call Bonita and tell her just how delicious her cake was.

We have cake and we have the cat.  Pasha seems to be marking all of the baby’s furniture and making it his own.  In fact yesterday Pasha was sleeping in the baby’s bassinet.  Chiara is one of those moms who yell out, “Did you wash your hands before you touch the baby”?  And let’s not forget the extra large bottle of Purell that greets you as you walk in the door.  Bearing in mind all the admonitions that myself and others have received, I thought it best to point out something to her.  So I just casually asked if Pasha had washed his paws after he came out of the litter box before he hopped into the bassinet?  Mmmmmm.

Pasha Lays Claim to the Bassinet

Pasha Lays Claim to the Bassinet

Of course if you’re a cat you can choose and change your napping place anytime you want to.

Fletcher's Brand New Car Seat

Fletcher’s Brand New Car Seat

Sorry I couldn’t get closer but I was using my phone and was afraid he’d hop out.

We have been getting such gorgeous floral arrangements. Some have already been tossed because Pasha, yes the cat ate some.   So now all of flowers are up high on the credenza in the dining room where we NEVER eat, NEVER walk into and now it could be one of those rooms like in the old days, a mourning room.

White Tulips and Blue Hydrangea, Baby's Breath

White Tulips and Blue Hydrangea, Baby’s Breath

White Roses and Blue Bells

White Roses and Blue Bells

Calla Lillies and Tiger Lily

Calla Lillies and Tiger Lily

White Lillies and Blue Bells and Hydrangea

White Lillies and Blue Bells and Hydrangea

Yellow Roses, White Lilly and a Balloon

Yellow Roses, White Lilly and a Balloon

Welcome to my world!


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Last weekend, I was delighted to have Finley stay with us at the cottage.  Well the idea of having her here was exciting.  However, once the crib, the booster chair, the stroller, her suitcase,  the cats in their crates, the food, my bag, Peter’s bag, the other food bag, the blue bag (which carries so many things), the hanging clothes and the clean laundry and her car seat…WELL, really!!!!

Ok so I digress – we joined our friends, Susan & Jim and Joe & Michael for a “catch-up meet-up brunch” at Nagle’s.  We hadn’t seen each other in  a while due to who was sick, who was traveling and who hadn’t been in town.  And I wanted to see Michael before he left for California.  Peter’s birthday was at the end of February, Joe’s birthday had been in the week before AND moved into a new apartment. Michael left his job in CA and was going to be moving to NYC with Joe,and little Miss Fin was in town – so, Let’s Celebrate!

Jim got a large sheet cake with a  BIG RAINBOW on it-this is a running insider joke between them.  So I gave Joe a birthday card with a rainbow, a congratulations on your new home and new job card and Susan added Peter’s name to the birthday cake.

Happy Birthday, Joe Lugo, Peter, Nagle's, brunch
Happy Birthday Joe! and Peter too

photo by Lori

Joe Lugo, Peter Press, Nagle's, sunday brunch

Cutting the cake

photo by Lori

Joe Lugo, Finley Ray, Finny, Nagle's

Finley and Uncle Joe

photo by Lori

You can see where the first cut was made and if you look at the first picture, you can see that the rainbow is on the opposite side of the cake – Finny wanted a piece of cake with the blue rainbow. Even if we wanted to accomodate her request, it would have been hard to extricate one piece of cake out of the middle – Problem solved.  How about a piece of  cake and Gigi will cut a piece of the blue rainbow and put in it on your piece?  “OK” , she says.

Finley Ray Clark,Finny, blue rainbow, Nagle's

I Want the Blue Rainbow

photo by Lori

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